
October 2012 Blog Archive

October 2012 Newsletter- Volume 1, Issue 1 Volume 1, Issue 1 of Upchurch, Watson, White and Max Discusses... is now available in the following PDF,  October 2012 Newsletter- Volume 1, Issue... Read More

October 2012 Newsletter- Volume 1, Issue 2 Volume 1, Issue 2 of Upchurch, Watson, White and Max Discusses… is now available in the following PDF,  October 2012 Newsletter- Volume 1, Issue 2 ... Read More

Discovery Violations May Lead to Rescission of Mediated Settlement Agreements It requires no citation of authority to say that the law favors settlements.  Yet settlement agreements are contracts and, as such, are subject to... Read More

U.S. News & World Report Recognizes UWWM as One of the Best in Florida October 2012- Upchurch Watson White and Max is proud to have been identified as one of the Best Mediation Firms in the State of Florida.... Read More

Maximizing Your Mediation Upchurch Watson White & Max mediator Robert A. Cole participated in a panel discussion presentation on October 25, 2012 before the Ft. Lauderdale... Read More

The Challenges of Mediating in Probate (Part 1) My last few posts have concerned “endgame” tactics to break a mediation impasse.  While I have more to say on that subject (particularly “ baseball... Read More

Ten Values For Designing a Mediation Through Pre-Mediation Communications As mediators we want to do our best to give the parties and their counsel value for their mediation day to either resolve their case or to achieve a... Read More

Is Baseball Arbitration a Viable Mediation Endgame? My last two blog posts have discussed “endgame” tactics to break a looming mediation impasse.  One such tactic is the “ Dutch Auction ”; another is... Read More

Florida Mediation Week Florida Governor Rick Scott has issued a proclamation declaring October 14-20 as “Mediation Week” in the State of Florida.  The mediation process... Read More

Traits of the Effective Mediation Advocate By and large, the attorneys with whom I am privileged to mediate are good at what they do.  They persuasively advocate for their client, they give... Read More

Ben Overton Co-Hosts Judicial Merit Retention Forum Upchurch, Watson, White and Max continue to be a leader in educating the public on issues relating to the upcoming merit retention election in... Read More

Early Mediation Anyone? In general, the benefits of mediating a dispute to a successful conclusion are greatest when done early.  In meaningful cases, since success is only... Read More

New York Times: “Impartial Justice at Risk” In a Sunday editorial dated  October 7, 2012, the New York Times observed that, “[A]ttempted hijacking of what are supposed to be nonpolitical... Read More

E-discovery increases possibility of mediated resolutions The Daily Business Review s' October 3, 2012 issue features commentary by UWWM mediator, Robert Cole. The commentary is available in the following... Read More