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Blog Archives
Blog Articles
- Veteran Litigator Robert L. "Bo" Johnson Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max as Mediator
- Pedro Echarte Brings Decades of Judicial and Trial Experience to UWWM
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group Welcomes Matt Weissing
- Central Florida Litigator Edmund T. Baxa Jr. Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group
- National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals Inducts 3 South Florida UWWM Mediators
- Two of UWWM’s Alabama Mediators Inducted into the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals
- Alan C. Espy Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group
- Keys to Unlocking Your Client's Best Result in Mediating Tort Cases
- The Best Lawyers in America® Lists UWWM as Tier 1 Firm in 3 Metro Areas
- Najla A. Bubtana Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group
- Lessons From a Decade in a Dedicated Mediation Group: What We Learned Along the Way
- Three Key Class Action Takeaways from the 11th Circuit Drazen/GoDaddy Opinion
- The Best Lawyers in America® Recognizes 10 UWWM Neutrals
- Mediator Rodney Max Trucking to Chicago and Nashville for Speaking Engagements
- Florida Super Lawyers® Recognizes 8 Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediators
- Seven Expert Tips to Greenlight Your Class Action Settlement
- Assessing Risk in ADR: Reducing a Complex Claim Environment to an Easily Understandable Frame of Reference
- Tim Donahue of Donahue & Associates Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- South Florida City Commissioner and Litigator Ken Cutler Joins UWWM’s Panel
- Gregory Donoghue, Former Brevard County Litigator, Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Mediators Kimberly Sands and Steven Jaffe to Speak for FJA's 2024 Workhorse Seminar
- Florida Mediator/Arbitrator John Lurvey Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Bob Cooper, Former Partner in Leading Law Firm, Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- The Employee v. Independent Contractor Issue, Part I
- Jacksonville-based Mediator/Arbitrator Karen K. Cole Joins UWWM’s Panel
- Central Florida Litigator Brad Hassell Turns Full-Time Mediator/Arbitrator With UWWM
- Central Florida Mediator/Arbitrator Rick Kolodinsky Joins UWWM’s Panel
- Mediator/Arbitrator Sheri Critelli Joins UWWM’s Panel in South Florida
- South Florida-Based Mediator/Arbitrator Michael Weiss Joins UWWM’s Panel
- 11th Circuit Clarifies Article III Standing in FCRA Class Action
- Mediator Steven Jaffe Appeals for Help With 14-Year Thanksgiving Passion Project
- What’s Happening in the Other Room? Is It Really ‘Not Your Problem?’
- Russ Gallagher Brings Varied, High-Flying Experience to Neutral Career With UWWM
- Florida Mediator/Arbitrator Reggie Hicks Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Vinny D’Asssaro, Well-Known Litigator Turned Full-Time Neutral, Booking Mediations Statewide
- Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence in Mediation – The Next Frontier?
- Best Lawyers Recognizes 9 Upchurch Watson White & Max Neutrals
- Experienced Mediator Frank Bedell Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Risk Assessment in Mediation: Obtaining and Using Information for Optimal Negotiation Outcomes
- Courts Re-Examine Long-Standing Approach of Basing Fees on Benefits Available to Class
- Experienced Negotiator Jeanne K. Spital Joins UWWM’s Panel
- Super Lawyers Selects 9 UWWM Mediators
- From Inception to Approval: Successfully Mediating Class and Mass Actions
- Special Litigation Committees in Limited Liability Companies
- Supreme Court May Take up Class Representative Awards as Inter-Circuit Conflicts Emerge
- Pamela I. Perry Writes for the South Florida Daily Business Review
- Resolution Techniques for Construction & Personal Injury Cases Used in Recent Catastrophic Events
- South Florida-Based Charlie Greene Joins UWWM’s Panel
- Experienced Mediator Mark Haskins Joins UWWM as Full-Time Neutral
- 3rd Circuit Knocks J&J's 'Texas Two-Step' Bankruptcy 2 Steps Back
- SWS Law Firm Managing Partner Steve Sands Becomes Full-Time UWWM Mediator/Arbitrator
- Retired Mediator Dick Graham Will Get Statue in Daytona Esplanade
- Kent Sands Now a Full-Time Mediator/Arbitrator With Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Mediator/Arbitrator Don Weidner to Speak for Florida Tax Institute
- UWWM mediators John Marion, Bo Dennis and April Walker inducted into National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals
- Mediator Scott Schomber Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Philip Reich, Former Ala. Presiding Circuit Judge, Becomes UWWM Mediator
- Birmingham-based UWWM Mediators Selected for 2022 Super Lawyers
- Claimants, Defendants Have Good Reasons to Resolve FLSA Overtime Claims Early
- Global Class and Collective Actions on Rise in 2022
- Charlie Trippe, Senior Government and Corporate Lawyer, Launches Mediation Career With Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Utilization of MDL (Multi-District Litigation) to Resolve Class and Mass Actions
- Robin Fawsett, Former Labor and Employment Lawyer, Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Principal / Mediator Terry White Is the New Chair of 7th Circuit Judicial Nominating Committee
- UWWM Founder Larry Watson Named NADN's 2022 Distinguished Neutral of the Year
- UWWM Mediator Lawrence Kolin to Teach Negotiation, Coach Mediation Team at UCF
- Potential Liability of Employers to Tipped Employees: A Key Area for Early Resolution
- 11th Circuit Eliminates Class Action Plaintiff Incentive Awards (Again)
- Are these faces familiar? Best Lawyers recognizes them, too!
- Litigation Services LLC Forms Strategic Alliance With Upchurch Watson White & Max
- John B. Marion IV Is Upchurch Watson White & Max's Newest Principal
- UWWM Sponsors FLABOTA 24th Annual Convention Cocktail Hour in Orlando
- Shareholder Class Action Settlements on Track to Match 2021's $3.53 Billion
- Six UWWM Mediators Selected to Super Lawyers Florida List
- John Jopling, Leading North Florida-Based Lawyer, Joins UWWM as Full-Time Mediator
- Judge Approves Over $1 Billion in Relief for Surfside Collapse Victims
- Arbitrator/Mediator Don Weidner's Paper on Special Litigation Committees Published in ABA's The Business Lawyer
- Mass Action Mediations – The When, Why and How of Organizing, Implementing and Resolving
- Class Actions Spike This Year Around Collecting, Using Biometrics
- Mediator's Notebook = Attorney's Toolbox
- Defense Class Action Spending Breaks Record, Survey Says
- Crafting the Effective Mediation Summary: A Workshop
- Mediator Lance Harke to Speak on Mass Torts & Class Action Litigation in Miami on Feb. 18
- ERISA Suits and Settlements Steadily Rise in 2022
- Women in the Law: Class Actions
- Mediator/Arbitrator Judi Lane Inducted Into National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals
- 2022 Is 30th Anniversary of Alabama's Mediation Rules
- Food Labeling Class Actions on Rise in 2021, With Varying Results
- UWWM is Voted No. 1 Alternative Dispute Resolution Firm in South Florida
- Mediator Bob Cole Presents a Program on Mediation Skills for the FDLA
- Crypto Class Actions on Rise Amid Increased Investor, Regulatory Scrutiny
- UWWM Maintains Top-Tier Metro-Area Firm Rankings from Best Lawyers® for Mediation, Arbitration
- Seven Common Mistakes in Class-Action Mediations (And How to Avoid Them)
- Mediator Richard Lord Writes About Busy Season for ABA Dispute Resolution Section
- Stories From the Field: from Mediator/Arbitrator A. Michelle Jernigan
- Buddy Schulz, Well-Known Florida Litigator, Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Class-Action Objectors Under Renewed Scrutiny from Bench and Bar
- 11th Circuit Ruling Against Class Incentive Awards Still Causing Confusion, Conflicting Approaches
- UWWM Sponsors FLABOTA 23rd Annual Convention Cocktail Hour in St. Pete
- Ransomware Attacks Lead to Class-Action Lawsuits
- Trump’s Big-Tech Class-Action Suits Land in South Florida
- Meet Our Mediators: Bo Dennis
- Roundup MDL Judge Rejects Attorneys’ Fee 'Holdback'
- Five UWWM Mediators Selected for 2021 Florida Super Lawyers® List
- Recognizing and Dealing With Cognitive Biases in Negotiation
- US Class Action Spending Reaches All-Time High of $2.9 Billion in 2020
- Meet Our Mediators: Ana Cristina Maldonado
- Amazon Quietly Makes It Easier to Sue
- Resolving Class Actions and Mass Claims in 2021: A Civil and Ethical Approach
- Lance Harke, Founding Partner of S. Florida Law Firm, Becomes Full-Time UWWM Mediator/Arbitrator
- Shareholder Richard Lord to Join Advisory Board of UF's Institute for Dispute Resolution
- Preparing for and Mediating Employment Cases
- Meet Our Mediators: Karen Brimmer
- Mathematics of Zero Sum Negotiations – “Through the Looking Glass”
- Retired Judge Richard B. 'Rick' Orfinger Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Dispute Resolution within Limited Liability Companies
- Trouble Getting to Trial? ADR = Access To Justice!
- South Florida Trial Attorney Bo Dennis Brings 31 Years of Experience, Team Mentality to Mediation Practice
- Three UWWM Mediators Inducted into National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals
- Three Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediators Elevated to Firm Principals
- Who's Who Legal Recognizes UWWM as Leader in Florida Mediation
- Well-Known Trial Lawyer Karen Brimmer Becomes Full-Time Mediator
- Partner/Mediator Terry White Hosts Nominating Commission to Help Choose New 7th Circuit Judge
- UWWM Repeats Its Tier 1 "Best Law Firms" Ratings for Mediation/Arbitration
- Online Mediations: Trials, Tribulations, Positives, Negatives and the Future
- UWWM Scores Top Honors in Best Lawyers Listings
- Howard R. Marsee and Ana Cristina Maldonado to Speak for Dispute Resolution Conference This Week
- Meet Our Mediators: Frederick J. Lauten
- Super Results in Super Lawyers Selections for 2020
- Alan Lasseter, 27-Year Alabama Litigator, Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Mediator Scott Baughan to Discuss Zoom Mediation for Society of Settlement Planners on June 4
- Steve Jaffe Talks about Mediation by Zoom with Daily Business Review
- Fred Lauten, Former Chief Judge of 9th Circuit, Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Mediator Cristina Maldonado Hosts, Instructs Group's First-Ever Entirely Online 40-Hour Family Mediator Training
- Time of Covid-19 Has Solidified Technology's Merger With Mediation
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Establishes Model Cybersecurity Protocol for Mediation Videoconferences
- Mediator Cristina Maldonado to Present Zoom 'Lunch & Learn' for Palm Beach Hispanic Bar Association
- NADN Executive Director Says Reports on Zoom Flaws Should Not Be 'Headline News'
- Mediators Art Garcia and Richard Lord to Present Webinar on Remote Mediation Today
- Mediate with us virtually, using Zoom or GoToMeeting
- Mediate in Person or by Video, with Confidence
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Moves Up to a New Office in Miami
- John B. Marion IV, a Named Partner in South Florida Law Firm, Pursues Full-Time Mediation Practice
- Negotiate Like a Pro -- Professionalism Matters
- South Florida Mediator Ana Cristina Maldonado Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Mediating Franchise Disputes
- UWWM Mediators Fan Out in Florida to Teach About ADR
- Mediator/Arbitrator Donald J. Weidner to Keynote for LLC Institute
- Volusia County Bar to Honor Mediator Richard S. 'Dick' Graham With Power of the Law Award
- Crafting the Effective Mediation Summary: A Workshop
- Certified Mediators Michelle Jernigan, Art Garcia to Speak for Florida Bar ADR Section Mentoring Academy
- It's a Quick Scooter Ride to UWWM Office from Miami's Central Station
- Mediator Art Garcia to Speak for 2 Sessions at Broward County Bench & Bar
- Mediator Ricardo Cata to Facilitate AAA-ICDR Mediation Roundtable
- Elegant Arbitration: Designing a Cost-Effective and Timely Arbitration Process
- Design Thinking Applied to Mediation: Taking Advantage of the Informal and Non-Adversarial Nature of the Mediation Process
- Best Lawyers Completes Summer of Love for UWWM by Listing 10 Mediators, Honoring 3 as 'Lawyer of the Year'
- Mediator/Arbitrator Howard Marsee to Speak for the 2019 Florida Dispute Resolution Conference.
- FLABOTA Bestows 2019 Joseph P. Milton Professionalism and Civility Award Upon Mediator Robert A. "Bob" Cole
- Mediators Shelley Leinicke and Ricardo Cata to Present CLE for MDFAWL
- Mediator/Arbitrator Donald J. Weidner Speaks With The Neutral, DRC's Newsletter
- Organizing and Structuring Multi-Party, Complex Mediations
- Powerhouse Southeastern Mediation Firms Join Forces to Present 3-Part Continuing Legal Education Series
- Shareholder Jeffrey M. Fleming to Present for Circuit Court Boot Camp June 7
- Meet Our Mediators: April Walker
- Closing the Gap in Mediation
- Mediator Lawrence Kolin a Panelist for May 1 Technology CLE on Online Dispute Resolution
- UWWM Mediator Renee Thompson to Speak for Florida Bar YLD's Technology Roadshow
- ABOTA Foundation Honors Mediator Bob Cole With Founders Award
- Mediator Donald J. Weidner Receives FSU's 2019 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Service Award
- UWWM Mediator Al Tetrault Dies at 79
- Mediator/Arbitrator Howard R. Marsee Writes on History of Professionalism 'Movement'
- Major Issues in Limited Liability Companies
- Mediator Donald J. Weidner adds to his list of published works with 2018 edition of RUPA
- Jacksonville ABOTA Chapter Bestows Civility Award on Mediator Bob Cole
- Meet Our Mediators: Steven R. Jaffe
- Insights from a Former Congressional Candidate: How Running for Public Office Can Help You in Your Practice
- Mediator Bob Cole Speaks for National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary Conference
- September Is Our Month to Gather with the Broward County Trial Lawyers Association
- South Florida Mediator Ricardo Cata Takes His Presentation on the Road
- Don't Bring a Knife to a Gunfight: Florida Case Law Update on Daubert and Other Expert Witness Pitfalls
- Best Lawyers Streak Intact for UWWM Partner Lawrence M. 'Larry' Watson at 15 Years
- Lawyer Professionalism as a Tool for Successful Negotiation
- 2018 Is Summer of Honors for Upchurch Watson White & Max
- UWWM Sponsors Meeting of Class Action Lawyers; Mediator Steven Jaffe Speaks
- Four UWWM Mediators Visit FLABOTA's Annual Conference
- Bringing Class Actions & Mass Claims to Resolution
- Mediator Howard Marsee to Speak at Orlando Dispute Resolution Conference
- April Y. Walker Becomes Full-Time Mediator With Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Florida Arbitrator Lawrence Kolin Writes for The Professional
- Mediator Richard Graham to Discuss His Role in Pulitzer Prize Winner's New Book
- Mediator Robert A. "Bob" Cole Speaks at Nimmons Federal Practice Seminar in Jacksonville
- Florida Mediator Carl Schwait Bestows Scholarship Associated With Haas Humanitarian Award
- Listen to Mediator Lawrence Kolin on March 21's "Open Ninth" Podcast
- UNCITRAL Convention on Enforcement of International Settlement Agreements and Amended Model Law on International Conciliation Take Another Step Forward
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Elevates Mediator Charles A. "Chuck" Mancuso to Shareholder
- Meet Our Mediators: Marty Van Tassel
- Mediator Don Weidner Makes Front Page News
- Steven Jaffe, Former Partner at Well-Known Trial Firms, Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Meet our Mediators: Jeffrey M. Fleming
- UWWM Mediators to Speak Friday at University of Florida College of Law
- Repeat UWWM Honorees Listed in Best Lawyers® for 2018
- UWWM Continues Long-Time Support of FLABOTA
- CLE on "Unspoken Evidence" by Mediator Brandon Peters Available Online from Florida Bar
- Five UWWM Panelists Present CME at Florida Dispute Resolution Conference
- Central Florida Attorney Scott Baughan Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max as Mediator
- Rodney Max-Mediated Settlement -- Worth at Least $37 Million -- Is One for the Books
- Mediators Richard Lord and Chuck Tetunic Speak for The Gavel's Inaugural Conference
- Mathematics and Mediation – Through the Looking-Glass
- Daily Business Review Covers Florida Bar Panel Organized by Mediator Ricardo Cata
- Gainesville Mediator Carl Schwait Receives Florida Bar Humanitarian Award
- Bob Cole Inducted as Chair of Florida Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution Section
- Have You Selected Your CLE for Upcoming Florida Bar Convention?
- Lawrence Kolin Added to Ranks of UWWM "Super Lawyers"
- UWWM Panelists Help to Present CME Seminar for Mediators
- Mediator Art Garcia Adds to Former MDTLA Presidents at Recent Awards Luncheon
- Meet Our Mediators: Ricardo Cata
- Mindfulness and the Practice of Law
- Mediator Al Tetrault Named to Aviation Law Committee
- Mediator Don Weidner Interprets, Explains Complicated Rules in Article, Presentation
- Mediators Bob Cole and Michelle Jernigan Discuss Professionalism for TPC@TPC
- What's New with Gainesville Mediator Carl Schwait?
- Getting Into and Out of Impasse: What to Do in the 5 Most Common Scenarios
- CFAWL Presents Seminar on Running for Office at UWWM's Maitland Office
- That's 5 in a Row for our Big Brothers Big Sisters Sponsorship
- Mediator Jeff Fleming a Presenter at Orlando Circuit Court Boot Camp April 28, 2017
- Meet Our Mediators: Lawrence Kolin
- Effective Telephone Negotiations: Before, During & After Mediation
- The Global Pound Conference Visits Miami
- Leaving Law Firms and Taking Clients: Florida Emphasis and National Perspective
- Register for OCBA Arbitration Seminar with Lawrence Kolin by March 28
- Meet Our Mediators: Judi Lane
- UWWM Mediators Discuss Importance of Certification for Florida Bar News
- How to Maximize the Use of Your Mediator
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediators Enjoy 2017 MDTLA Presidential Ball
- Two UWWM Mediators to Speak at Orange County Bar Association Seminar Feb. 16
- Mediator Bob Cole Casts Light on "the Dark Art of Mediation"
- How to Maximize the Use of Your Mediator
- Meet Our Mediators: Shelley Leinicke
- Developing and Enforcing Good Faith Standards for Civil Trial Mediations
- Finding and Maintaining Leverage in Mediation
- Meet Our Mediators: Carl Schwait
- Florida Bar ADR Section's Newsletter Features Mediator Ricardo Cata
- Expert Institute Voters Proclaim Lawrence Kolin's "Orlando Mediator" One of Best Legal News Blogs
- Mediators Renée Thompson and Carl Schwait to Present Lawyer Advertising Topic for Florida Bar Leadership Academy
- Blogger/Mediator Lawrence Kolin Needs Your Vote
- Meet Our Mediators: Al Tetrault - IN MEMORIAM
- The Language of Professionalism in Negotiation
- The Language of Professionalism in Negotiation
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group Opens Ocala Office
- City of Orlando Proclaims Oct. 16-22 ABA Mediation Week
- ABA Dispute Resolution Section Elects Mediator Richard Lord to its Council
- Diversity in Mediation: Domestic and International Challenges
- Meet Our Mediators: Don Weidner
- Part 2: The Wrong for Which There Is No Legal Remedy
- Why It’s Almost Always Better to Mediate
- The Wrong for Which There Is No Legal Remedy
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediators on PMI Panel
- Two UWWM Mediators Speak at 24th Annual Dispute Resolution Conference
- FSU Law Dean Emeritus Don Weidner Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max as Mediator
- Shareholder Bob Cole Attends Florida Bar Section Leadership Conference
- Part 2: Trial May Be a Rarity, but Trial Lawyers Are Not
- Part 1: Trial May Be a Rarity, but Trial Lawyers Are Not
- Mediator Albert Tetrault Attends Lawyer-Pilots Bar Association Convention on Behalf of Upchurch Watson White & Max
- The Florida Bar Disciplinary Process: Your Survival Guide
- The Florida Bar Disciplinary Process: Your Survival Guide
- Lawrence Kolin Receives 2016 Best of Maitland Award
- 2 UWWM Mediators to Speak for Florida Justice Association Convention This Week
- Proposals for Settlement: Their Role, Sanctions, and Whether Time to Decide Can Be Enlarged by Court
- Mediator Bob Cole Joins in Recognizing Achievements of NE Florida Big Brothers Big Sisters Program
- Mediator Howard Marsee Named Group Chair for Florida Bar Professionalism Committee
- Arbitrator A. Michelle Jernigan Speaks on Agreements, Fears for Orange County Bar Association
- Mediator Renée Thompson: From The Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division Interview Series 'Balancing in Heels'
- UWWM Adds Thought Leadership to June 2 CME Seminar in Jacksonville
- Arbitrator Lawrence Kolin to Speak for Orange County Bar Association CLE Seminar June 1
- Gainesville Mediator Carl Schwait Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Mediator Michelle Jernigan: From The Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division Interview Series 'Balancing in Heels'
- Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith 101
- Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith 101
- Mediator Bob Cole Speaks to Real Estate Attorneys at Fund Assembly in Orlando
- Ocala Mediator Renée Thompson Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Practice Tips for Litigators: A Q&A with Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Practice Tips for Litigators: A Q&A with Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Ricardo Cata Moderates, Chairs Program Discussing Mediation Method for Resolving U.S.-Cuba Disputes
- UWWM's Brandon Peters Named to UF Self-Insurance Programs' Panel of Presuit Mediators
- Harvard Professor Addresses ABA Dispute Resolution Section's Conference
- ABA Dispute Resolution Section Welcomes U.N. Official and Kicks off Spring Conference With Learning
- Ricardo Cata to Moderate ABA Panel Exploring Role of Mediation in U.S. Claims Against Cuba
- Dismissal Without Reserving Enforcement Rights May Limit Parties’ Recourse Under Rule 1.730
- Well-Known Appellate and Trial Attorney Shelley H. Leinicke Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- The Paralegal's Role in Negotiating the Ultimate Settlement
- The Paralegal’s Role in Negotiating the Ultimate Settlement
- Join UWWM in Supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Fla.
- Mediator Bob Cole Presents CLE Program Sponsored by Jacksonville Bar Commercial Litigation Committee
- Planning & Executing the Mediation of Complex, Multi-Party, Multi-Issue Disputes
- UWWM Partner Rodney Max to Speak on "Effective Mediation Practice Skills" in Miami
- Planning & Executing the Mediation of Complex, Multi-Party, Multi-Issue Disputes
- Negotiating Around and Through Minefields in Mediation
- Negotiating Around and Through Minefields in Mediation
- Mediator Ricardo Cata in Center of International Dispute Resolution Conversation
- At the Very Least, Appear at Mediation, Court Reminds
- UWWM Principal Kimberly Sands to Speak at WIND Conference Feb. 2-3
- Mediator Chuck Mancuso Now Member of National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals
- Arbitration Backlash
- Arbitration Backlash
- Mediator Michelle Jernigan set to tell 'Truth About Gender Divide' at CLE seminar
- We Look Back at UWWM's 2015
- Mediation Insights: What Is Going on in the Other Room?
- A Guide to Effective Arbitration Advocacy
- Robert Cole Speaks at NBI Seminar on Mediation in Florida
- Mediator Robert A. "Bob" Cole Co-Chairs ABOTA Educational Program in Jacksonville
- Mediator Lawrence Kolin Recognized as National Law Journal Trailblazer
- Mediator Ricardo Cata Published in International Law Quarterly
- Cumberland Law Review Presents Mediator Rodney Max at Nov. 20 Symposium
- Why Hire a Full Time Professional Mediator?
- Mediator Judi Lane to Speak for CLE Luncheon Nov. 12
- Shareholder Robert A. Cole Nominated for ABOTA Foundation Trustee
- Mediator Ricardo Cata to Speak at HistoryMiami's Pedro Pan Exhibit
- Mathematics and Mediation – Through the Looking-Glass
- Ricado Cata to Speak on International Mediation for Coral Gables Bar Association
- Mathematics and Mediation - "Through the Looking-Glass"
- It's Mediation Week 52 Times a Year, but Upchurch Watson White & Max Has Plans for Oct. 11-17
- Who-Who-Who is at Our Plantation Office?
- City of Orlando to Proclaim Oct. 11-17 Mediation Week
- Negotiate This! Common Negotiating Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
- NEGOTIATE THIS! Common Negotiating Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
- How Professionalism Can Help in a Negotiation
- The Power of Principle, Part 2
- The Power of Principle, Part 1
- How Does Class Action Insurance Work?
- The Seven Deadly Sins in Business Negotiations
- The Seven Deadly Sins in Business Negotiations
- Wrapping up a Hot Summer with a Cool JADC Retreat
- What's New and Promising in Class-Action Mediation?
- It's Time for ABA Blawg 100 Nominations!
- We Remember South Florida Mediator, Arbitrator, Teacher Mel Rubin
- Negotiate This! Common Negotiating Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
- UWWM Founding Principal Larry Watson Wins Press Excellence in ADR Award
- UWWM's "Lean In" Group Introduces Grit Program
- Four UWWM Mediatorsto Share Vexing Situations With Colleagues at DRC Conference
- A. Michelle Jernigan to Present 'Using Brain Science for Better Mediations' July 28
- Jury Duty With a Mediator Mindset, Part 6: Conclusion
- UWWM's Lawrence M. Watson Jr. to Speak at California Conference
- Jury Duty With a Mediator Mindset, Part 5: Jurors’ Interviews
- Florida Mediator Lawrence Kolin to Speak at NYC Masters Conference
- Jury Duty With a Mediator Mindset, Part 4: Damages
- Guess Who's Coming to Mediation
- What Is 'Other ADR'?
- Jury Duty With a Mediator Mindset, Part 3: Liability Issues and Causation
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group Names 5 New Shareholders
- What Is 'Other ADR'?
- Mediator Ricardo Cata Speaks to 125 Grad Students at Mexican Law School
- Jury Duty With a Mediator Mindset, Part 2: The Jury
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Names Orlando Mediator a Shareholder
- Mediator Ricardo Cata a Recent Speaker in Mexico City
- Jury Duty with a Mediator Mindset, Part 1
- Developing and Enforcing Good Faith Requirements for Civil Trial Mediations
- Developing and Enforcing Good Faith Standards for Civil Trial Mediations
- Prominent Mexican Law School, ICC Mexico Invite Ricardo Cata to Speak on U.S. and International Mediation Practices
- Jax Bar ADR Committee Presents 8th Annual CME Seminar
- Finding and Maintaining Leverage in Mediation
- Finding and Maintaining Leverage in Mediation
- UWWM Enjoys Sponsoring OCBA Gala
- It’s a Wrap, Seattle
- Pre-Arbitration Preparation -- Being a Better Advocate
- ADR Education on Display in Seattle
- Advocates, Educators, Students and Neutrals Convene in Seattle
- Mediating Professor: Lawrence Kolin Guest Lectures
- ADR Section Presents 'Solutions in Seattle'
- Mediator Ricardo Cata at Home in Miami
- Mediator Richard B. Lord Becomes Fellow of American Bar Foundation
- The Right Way to Do the Right Thing
- Why Hire a Full-Time Professional Mediator?
- Why Hire a Full-Time Professional Mediator?
- Mediator/Arbitrator Art Hanes Speaks for Appellate Mediation Program
- Mediator Bob Cole Celebrates Big Brothers/Sisters Centennial
- Students and Mediating Professor Welcome Spring Break
- UWWM Mediators Selected for Super Lawyers List
- Teachers Worldwide Provide Advice to Prevent Lecture 'Letdown'
- ILAT Conference Participation Adds to Free UWWM Resources
- 5 Tips for Strategic Negotiation
- Federal Circuit Judge to Speak in Orlando About Role in Arbitration, Mediation
- Law School Class Feels a Little Flat After Exciting Speaker
- Florida ADR Team Hosts Its First Competition
- Florida Bar ADR Section Introduces New Website
- Mediator Ricardo J. Cata to Speak at International Litigation, Arbitration & Transactions Conference in Miami on Feb. 27
- Crisis Negotiator Mediation Students How to Redirect Unproductive Behaviors
- Guess Who’s Coming to Mediation
- Guess Who's Coming to Mediation
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Partner/Mediator a Panelist for Product Liability Conference Feb. 26-27 in Miami
- Mediating Professor: Psychological Aspects at Least as Important as Legal, Financial
- UWWM Mediator to Speak for Major Orange County Bar Association Seminar
- Return to Civility: How to Communicate More Effectively in Today’s Professional Environment
- Mediator/Professor Tries to Model Patience, Diplomacy for Students
- 'Lean In' Group Adds Value to Legal Profession for Local Women
- The Mediation Option in International Commercial Arbitration
- Chuck Mancuso to Tell Young Lawyers How to Negotiate Ultimate Settlement
- The Mediation Option in International Commercial Arbitration
- Law School Exercise Challenges Stereotypes, Assumptions
- Law School Professor/Mediator Feels More at Home
- Teaching Law School Class About Mediation
- UWWM Mediator Becomes FAMU Adjunct Professor
- Basic Training 3: Preparing for Mediation
- Basic Training 2: Gaining Mediation Insight
- Basic Training: What is Mediation?
- Crafting the Effective Mediation Summary
- Florida Mediation Group Solidifies Miami, West Palm Beach Expansion
- The Importance of Selecting the Right Mediator for Your Case
- The Importance of Selecting the Right Mediator for Your Case
- Alabama Mediator: Is Mediator's Proposal a Last Resort?
- Negotiating the Ultimate Settlement
- Negotiating the Ultimate Settlement
- U.S. News, Best Lawyers Rank Upchurch Watson White & Max as Tier 1 Firm in 3 Metro Areas
- Mediator-Arbitrator Lawrence H. Kolin Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Mediator Chuck Mancuso to Speak at Fraternal Law Conference Nov. 6
- Getting to a Decision-Maker; What's Changed Since Rule 1.720(e), Fla. RCiv. Pro.?
- UWWM Celebrates 1 Year of Dedicated South Florida Offices
- Longtime Central Florida Attorney Judi Lane Becomes Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediator
- Getting the Deal Done: Using Jury Research to Settle Cases
- Getting the Deal Done: Using Mock Trials, Focus Groups, Private Trials and Early Neutral Evaluation to Settle Cases
- Free E-book Tells How to Choose the Best Mediator
- Shareholder Robert A. Cole Conducts Federal Bankruptcy Auction on Courthouse Steps
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Celebrates Mediation Week 2014
- Alabama Mediator Marty Van Tassel to Join Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Give Mediator Quality Input by Using Our Template
- Mediators' Partnership with UF ADR Team Builds Mentorship, Friendship and Service
- Mediator: My Story and I'm Sticking to It
- The Right Way to Do the Right Thing: Ethical Dilemmas in Mediation
- Mediator: Unfolding NFL Events Point to a Way Everyone Can Win
- The Right Way to Do the Right Thing
- Upchurch Watson White and Max Mediators Rack up Best Lawyers® Recognitions
- Florida Mediators A. Michelle Jernigan, Robert A. Cole Present CLE Luncheon Sept. 10
- We've added SWOT Analysis to our free resources
- Mediating Probate Cases to Settlement
- Florida Mediator Howard Marsee Explains How to Craft an Effective Mediation Summary
- Crafting an Effective Mediation Summary
- Florida Mediator Asks: Does Jury Verdict Research Have Any Role?
- Florida Mediator Robert A. Cole presents award, check at FLABOTA conference
- Florida Mediator Advises: Just Show Up, Good Faith Not Required
- Florida Mediator Rodney A. Max Helps Bring Coal-Ash Spill Class Action to $27.8 Million Settlement
- Florida Mediators John Upchurch, Larry Watson to Speak in Orlando
- Florida mediator takes fresh look at domesic-violence perspectives
- Mediating Probate Cases to Settlement
- Florida Mediator Explains Mediating Probate Cases to Settlement
- Florida Mediator Kimberly Sands Asks, "What Is 'Lean In'?"
- Florida Mediator Advises, Work Hard, Play Hard
- Getting Ready to Mediate: A Blueprint for Success
- Florida Mediator Brandon S. Peters to Join Upchurch Watson White & Max on Aug. 1
- Florida Mediator/Arbitrator Howard Marsee Serving on Bar Committee
- Crafting the Effective Mediation Summary: FAQs, Considerations, Psychology and Suggestions
- Florida Mediator Mike Orfinger to Be Unopposed in Election for Circuit Judge
- Florida Mediator Looks Back at Florida Bar's Annual Convention
- Florida Mediator Robert A. Cole Had A Busy Month
- Getting Ready to Mediate: A Blueprint for Success
- Upcoming Florida Bar Convention Gets a Charge out of Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Getting Ready to Mediate: A Blueprint for Success
- Florida Mediators Discuss Effective Legal Representation
- Florida Mediator: Lay Consignment Sale Out in Contract, Not With Handshake
- Alabama mediator Brad Wash to Speak at ALAJ Convention
- Florida Mediator Robert A. Cole Speaks on Ethical Dilemmas
- Florida Mediator Jeffrey M. Fleming Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- The Florida Litigator s Dispute Resolution Toolbox: Creative ADR Applications
- Florida Mediator Bob Cole to speak at NE Florida CME Seminar
- Florida Mediator Advises Health-Care Companies: Heal Thyself
- Bringing Class Actions & Mass Claims to Resolution
- Florida Mediator Ponders Whether Sides Should Tell All
- Florida Mediator Kimberly Sands Discusses Negotiaion and Mediation for Google+ Hangout
- Florida Mediator Advises Looking Forward in Negotiation
- Webinar: Your Client's Brain in Mediation
- Florida Mediator Sandy Upchurch Elected Unopposed as New Circuit Judge
- 'Lean In' With Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Article Boosts Judicial Campaigns for Florida Mediators Mike Orfinger, Sandy Upchurch
- Florida Mediator Asks: Are You Licensed to Haul?
- Florida Mediator Speaks on "Lean In" for Lawyers and Other Professionals
- Your Client's Brain in Mediation
- Your Client's Brain in Mediation
- Florida Mediator Sandy Upchurch to Speak for Law Students Monday
- Florida Mediator Sandy Upchurch on OCBA Bench Bar Panel April 11
- Bringing Class Actions & Mass Claims to Resolution
- Mediator Rodney Max Joined by Litigators for Class Action Webinar March 31
- We Leave a Trail, Florida Mediator Reminds
- Florida Mediator A. Michelle Jernigan to Present 'Brainy' CLE Seminar for CFAWL
- Florida Mediator Charles Tetunic to Speak at CLM Annual Conference in Boca Raton
- Florida Mediator Michael Orfinger Published in CPR Alternatives Newsletter
- Florida Mediator Answers: What Makes a Good Negotiator?
- Mediator Larry Watson to Speak at Construction Law Institute
- Florida Mediators Published by Claims Magazine
- Nationally Known Mediator Uses Baseball Metaphor for Mutuality
- Florida Mediator Sandy Upchurch Launches Run for Circuit Judge
- The Florida Litigator's Dispute Resolution Toolbox: Creative ADR Applications
- Learn About Creative ADR Applications From Experienced Mediator
- Dissolution, Divorce at a Discounted Cost
- Florida Mediator to Speak for Popular FJA Workhorse Seminar
- Free-CLE Webinar: What's Going on in the Other Room?
- Florida mediator Bob Cole witnesses history in the making
- Florida mediators producing monthy free-CLE Webinars for 2014
- Florida Mediator Asks, 'Can We Talk?'
- Florida mediator writes on equine law
- Florida Mediator Larry Watson Inventor of Mediated Case Management
- Mentoring with the Masters: What's Going on in the Other Room?
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Top Ranked by Fortune Magazine
- Mentoring with the Masters: Bracketing in Negotiation
- Anchoring in Negotiation
- Upchurch Watson White & Max gains Florida mediator on Jan. 1
- Florida mediator Sandra Upchurch introduces new blog category
- Preparing Your Client
- Florida Mediators Richard Lord and A. Michelle Jernigan on AAA Panel
- Preparing Your Opening Comments
- Preparing Your Mediator
- Florida Mediation Group Launches Series of Mentoring Videos
- Florida mediator quoted in story on state of local law firms
- Florida Mediator Robert Cole Writes on E-Discovery
- Florida mediator, litigator discuss opening comments
- Florida Mediator Discusses What's Going on in the Other Room
- Volusia County Bar Honored With National Award
- Florida mediator discusses mediation styles, answers frequently asked questions
- Florida Mediator Blogs About the Challenges of Probate
- Florida Mediator Discusses Effective Mediation Advocacy Styles
- Sandra Upchurch of Upchurch Watson White & Max to Chair Florida Bar 2014 Convention in Orlando
- Florida Mediation Group Adds 8 Mediators, 3 Offices, Concentrating on South Florida
- Help The Florida Bar's young leaders while helping Upchurch Watson White & Max get 50 new Likes/Follows
- Florida Mediator Michael Orfinger Presents Ethics CLE in Daytona Beach
- Florida Mediator Bob Cole Announces Jacksonville Move is Complete
- Florida Mediator Robert Cole Attends Ribbon Cutting at New Jacksonville Offices
- Florida Mediator Michael S. Orfinger Is Primary Trainer for Appellate Mediation Certification Course
- Florida Mediator Says It's Battle of Sexes in Conference, Too
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Pays Tribute to Ben F. Overton
- Alabama and Florida Mediation Group Moves its Jacksonville Mediations to New Offices
- Florida Mediator Reflects With Pride on Bar President
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Welcomes Florida Mediator Chuck Mancuso
- Florida mediator discusses conflict by email Part 2
- Florida mediator discusses conflict by email
- Florida mediator speaks at AAJ annual convention in San Francisco
- Florida Mediator to speak for PMI conference in August
- Florida Mediator Discusses Decision Tree Analysis, Bell Curves
- Florida Mediator Discusses Waning of 'Big Law'
- Ormond Beach Observer Interviews Florida Mediator Sandra Upchurch
- Florida Mediator Discusses Family-Owned Businesses
- Florida Mediator Comments on First Party Bad Faith Negotiations
- Trial Attorney Group to Welcome Florida Mediators John Upchurch, Bob Cole as Speakers
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group Has Place in Evolution of Florida Law and Implementation of NASCAR Safety Requirements
- Florida Mediator Hosts Women Lawyers for 'Night in Spain'
- Florida Mediator Proposes E-Discovery Project Management Template
- Florida Mediator to Speak at SEALI Conference
- Upchurch Watson White & Max's Alabama Mediators Gain Citywide and Statewide Recognition
- Florida Mediators to Speak at Florida Bar Annual Convention
- June 17 Webinar: 'A Guide to Effective Arbitration Advocacy'
- Mediation: Quick-Cooking Can Be as Good as Traditional
- Birmingham mediators named to 'Alabama's Best Lawyers'
- How Clients Think: The Brains Behind Decision Making, Part 2
- Florida mediator discusses importance of punctuation
- Florida Mediator, Litigator Team up for PowerPoint Webinar
- Make Your Point More Powerful: Join Us for a Mediation Advocacy Webinar May 7
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group Hires Media Manager
- Florida Mediators Present Educational Programs
- On Perfecting the Arbitration Submission
- Florida Mediator Robert Cole To Be a Featured Speaker at FJA Seminar
- Mediation Advocacy Webinar: Putting the Power in PowerPoint
- How Clients Think: The Brains Behind Decision Making, Part 1
- Robert Cole Speaks for 19th Circuit Bench Bar Conference
- UWWM’s Rodney Max Named Cumberland Law School’s 2013 Distinguished Alumnus
- A Distinguished Neutral Discusses Keys to Resolution
- ODR: Beyond Scratches on the Cave Walls, Part II
- Sen. Mitchell, From Irish Peace Talks to ABA DR Honor
- ABA DR Spring Conference Flips 4-Sided Coin
- What a Way To See Chicago
- Winner Revealed for Representation in Mediation Competition
- National Law Journal Lists John Upchurch Third Among U.S. Mediators
- ODR: Beyond Scratches on the Cave Walls
- Utilization of the Special Master in Florida
- How UWWM Is Addressing E-Discovery’s Burgeoning Role
- Birmingham Magazine: Michael B. Walls, Judge Arthur Hanes, Rodney Max Are Tops
- View 'Maximizing Your Mediation' Online for 2.0 CLE Hours
- Complimentary CLE Luncheon Seminar March 13 in Maitland
- 'Utilization of the Special Master' Webinar Set for March 14
- UWWM Principal Michael S. Orfinger contributes to PMI News
- 3rd Annual ACEDS Conference a Springboard for Firm’s E-Discovery Services
- John Upchurch To Discuss Electronic Discovery in San Diego March 20
- Catch UWWM's Robert Cole at his April speaking engagements
- Mediator Bob Cole Opposes Bill to Give Governor More Power in Judicial Nominations
- UWWM Sponsors An Evening with Chief Judge Peter Weinstein
- 'The people of Florida do not have a taste for that type of politicization of the process.'
- UWWM's Michael S. Orfinger To Present April 18 Webinar on Mediation Strategy
- UWWM's Richard Lord Now an ACCTM Fellow
- UWWM Sponsors Florida Supreme Court Historical Society Annual Dinner
- David Krathen Awarded Fort Lauderdale A.B.O.T.A. Trial Judge Of The Year 2012
- UWWM E-Discovery Professionals Awarded CEDS Certification
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Welcomes David Krathen to the Firm's Mediation Panel
- Justice Overton
- The Advocate and Counselor in You
- What’s going on over there?
- Mediating in Mayberry
- "The Principle" May Very Well Play a Role in Achieving Resolution
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Welcomes Richard S. Graham to the Firm's Mediation Panel
- October 2012 Newsletter- Volume 1, Issue 1
- October 2012 Newsletter- Volume 1, Issue 2
- Discovery Violations May Lead to Rescission of Mediated Settlement Agreements
- U.S. News & World Report Recognizes UWWM as One of the Best in Florida
- Maximizing Your Mediation
- The Challenges of Mediating in Probate (Part 1)
- Ten Values For Designing a Mediation Through Pre-Mediation Communications
- Is Baseball Arbitration a Viable Mediation Endgame?
- Florida Mediation Week
- Traits of the Effective Mediation Advocate
- Ben Overton Co-Hosts Judicial Merit Retention Forum
- Early Mediation Anyone?
- New York Times: “Impartial Justice at Risk”
- E-discovery increases possibility of mediated resolutions
- Merit Retention
- Positivity
- What’s In a Name?
- "Never Cut What You Can Untie"
- Pre Mediation Caucuses in Multiple Party Cases
- Keys to Selecting the Right Mediator
- Mediation Preparation: Yes, You Should Be Preparing!
- End of Summer Speaking Engagements
- Dutch Auctions and Texas Shoot-Outs
- Three Common Negotiation Myths
- Florida Hospital Ormond Memorial
- Mediation Successful in Settling Sex Abuse Case
- Four Tricks That Make Mediation Work
- Bob Cole Selected as Florida Trend's 2012 Florida Legal Elite
- Mediator's Proposal
- UWWM Sponsors VIP Dinner at FLABOTA Convention
- Why I Became a Mediator
- Conditional Offers
- "Hello, John. What can I help you with?"
- Bermuda Gang Violence
- California vs. Florida: Real Estate Contracts
- Downtown Daytona Beach
- Winter Park's 12 year-old All-Star softball team is headed to the Babe Ruth World Series!
- Mediation in Small Claims Court
- Court Direction
- Should I use demonstrative aids such as exhibit boards and PowerPoint in the opening session?
- The Florida Experience
- Calling on Leadership
- UWWM Hosts Tallahassee Cocktail Reception at Hotel Duval’s Level 8
- Reception for Supreme Court Justices Pariente, Lewis and Quince
- A Pocket Guide to E-Discovery
- How can a plaintiff make separate, confidential offers to multiple defendants represented by the same attorney?
- 5 UWWM Members Selected to Florida Super Lawyers
- Family Councils: Repacking the Baggage
- What is Mediation?
- In Support of a Fair, Impartial Judiciary
- UWWM supports Merit Retention campaigns
- Florida Bar's Campaign to Educate Voters
- Thinking Fast and Slow ~ Part II
- Mediation 'still young' in European Union
- UWWM Discusses… Merit Retention
- Should plaintiffs’ counsel always insist an adjuster with full authority attend?
- Social Media - Reforming Corporate Behavior?
- How does the mediator make sure the person has authority to settle?
- Who Should Pay for Mediation?
- Mediation creates options during 'breakups'
- Community service & the legal community
- What contributes to a successful mediation?
- New Florida Lawyers – Can we Talk?
- Proactive mediation more helpful than reactive
- E-discovery: a new game that’s changing the rules
- When one party does not act in good faith
- Florida Bar flooded with foreclosure complaints
- How does a party ensure that opposing party is serious about mediation?
- Picture It Settled™ helps map strategies
- Appeal for Arbitration, Privacy in Wealth Management Case Lost
- John Upchurch Speaks to Attendees of ACEDS Annual Conference
- City vs. Bankruptcy: Can Mediation Work?
- First Quarter 2012 ~ UWWM Principals, Shareholders, Panel Members Sought As Speakers / Authors
- John Upchurch Addresses Polish Legal Community in Practice of Mediation and Arbitration at Warsaw University Conference
- Jacksonville Open House Reception Welcomes Mediator Bob Cole
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Among Top Ranked Firms in Florida
- Do Florida Courts have a mandatory mediation program or practice and if so, is it successful?
- Thinking Fast and Slow
- What Types of Cases are Best to Take to Mediation?
- Your Mediation Questions Answered
- Ten Most Common Questions Asked About Mediation
- Ten Most Common Questions Asked about Mediation
- Statewide Voluntary Foreclosure Program Announced
- Grooming a Successor Autocrat? Not So Fast
- Your Most Common Questions Answered re: New Amendment to Rule 1.720(b)
- Absence Doesn’t Make The Court Grow Fonder
- Amendment to Rule 1.720 - What Lawyers Need to Know to Comply
- Robert A. Cole Joins Mediation Firm / New Jacksonville Office Opens
- Statewide Voluntary Foreclosure Program Announced
- A Soft-Side Syllabus for Hard-Side Advisors
- "The Careful Communicator" ~ A collection of grammatical misadventures!
- “Certification of Authority:”Amendments to Rule 1.720, Fla. R. Civ. P.
- Florida’s Foreclosure Mediation Program – A flower or a weed?
- FLORIDA BAR PRESIDENT: Filing Fees Can't Sustain Courts
- Few Take Advantage of State's Foreclosure Mediation Program
- Foreclosure Program Expands
- "Prepare your client"
- In Praise of the Opening Statement
- Active Speaking Schedule for Mediation Firm Principals, Shareholders
- How important is it to discuss Medicare issues with the other side...
- Understanding Family Dynamics: Part 2
- "Should I select an active trial lawyer to be my arbitrator?"
- Difficult Conversations Between Lawyer and Client
- Understanding Family Dynamics
- What's Left to Discuss? Crash Course for Litigants in Appellate Mediation
- Sandra C. Upchurch Selected into Florida Association for Women Lawyers’ Leaders in the Law, 2011
- Wealth: Its Joys and Its Discontents ~ The Boston College Survey
- Getting the Best Result for Your Client at Mediation
- Mediation Firm Principal to Conduct Appellate Mediation Certification Training and Speak at ABA CLE Event
- Kimberly Sands Selected for ABA Speaking Engagement
- How Will I Be Remembered? Messages and Metamessages
- Egyptian Business Families: An American View
- Grooming a Successor Autocrat? Not so Fast!
- Firm Welcomes Retired Circuit Judge Arthur J. Hanes, Jr.
- Mediating Probate Cases to Settlement
- Benefits of Mandatory or Early Mediation
- “…except in Sharia”
- “…except in Sharia”
- Firm Principal Selected as Keynote Speaker
- Mediating First Party Bad Faith ~ A Mediator's Perspective: Part II of Two Part Series
- Principal Selected as Expert Facilitator for ABA Conference
- Mediator Selected for Appellate Mediation Training
- Ambivalence: Healthy Indecision?
- “I didn’t mean to do it” – Disclosing and Retrieving Privileged Materials
- Firm to Sponsor and Present at Annual Mediation and ADR Seminar
- Mediating Third Party Bad Faith ~ A Mediator's Perspective: Part I of Two Part Series
- How We Decide
- How Creative Elders Invest Their Late-Life Inheritance
- What’s New with Genes? Biology 2.0
- Negotiating with Local Environmental Agencies
- Effective Mediation in A Poor Economy
- Sandy Upchurch Elected to Florida Bar's 7th Circuit Board of Governors
- A Family Lawsuit: Advance Damage Control
- Sandra Upchurch in runoff for Florida Bar Board of Governors Seventh Circuit Seat
- Clan Dynamics for Estate Advisors
- Communicating with your mediator; sometimes smoke signals aren’t enough…
- Mediation: A Place for Form and Substance
- Wills, Families and Children: An Ounce of Prevention…
- Wills, Families and Children: An Ounce of Prevention…
- Customer Reviews: The Survival Guide for Business Families
- The "Goal Oriented" Approach to Mediation Negotiations
- Panel Members Sought for Speaking Engagements
- Language as a Tool of Conflict Resolution: The problem of familiar address
- Putting the Horse Before the Cart: Non-Tax Issues in Business Succession Planning
- Sandra C. Upchurch in race for Florida Bar Board of Governors Seventh Circuit Seat
- High Fives to...
- Florida Cross Collaborative Efforts – shame on me…….
- Mediation between the Rational and Irrational - a little about tigers and stripes…
- Avoiding Hostile Holidays - Step 2
- Avoiding Hostile Holidays - Step 1
- Cross Collaboration – come on Florida, get on this bandwagon!
- Only in my dreams….
- Curiosity – the overlooked/underrated trait of a great mediator
- What’s Missing from the Balance Sheet: Intangible Assets and Liabilities in Business Families
- Can’t we all just get along?
- The Rodney Max Mediation Fellowship
- 2009-2010 Cumberland School of Law Mediation Fellow Selected
- UWWM Sponsored FL Bar Young Lawyers Division Meeting
- Mediation Strategies from the Defense Attorney Perspective
- Lawyer Counseling: Part IV
- Blogging – Have you gone there yet?
- Brad Wash Becomes Shareholder in Mediation Firm
- Why Mediation for Amicable Families?
- UWWM Principals to Address the Tennessee Supreme Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Commission
- Lawyers' Feelings: Transference and Countertransferrence - Part II
- Early Mediation Is Particularly Well Suited For Self-Insured Companies and Claimants
- There is no substitute for being (and having them) there
- Helpful Tips for The Practitioner: 1-5
- Your “Number” Part Two
- Managing in Hard Times
- Just Sign on the Dotted Line
- "It took years to get here. It will take time to get there - if 'there' is a better place to be".
- Mediation: A lesson from a soccer coach, parent and player…
- Reducing Compensation Without Doing More Harm Than Good
- Michael S. Orfinger Appointed to National Special Master Group
- Your “Number”: Part One
- Whose Story Is It Anyway?
- Mediation Strategies: What Plaintiffs Really Want
- What’s So Golden About Silence?
- Registered Sex Offenders – No Place to Call Home?
- Gerald Le Van to Address Fellows of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC)
- Web 2.0: A brief digression from mediation
- Email marketing and Providing Effective Client Service in One Package
- Stress: Some Bad News and Some Good News
- Mediating Government Disputes – Confederate Flag Controversy
- HOA, Go Away, Come Again Some Other Day!
- UWWM to Host CLE in Maitland Office
- High Fives to…
- High Fives to...
- Managing Hard Times – Perhaps Stetson University Can Help?
- Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget
- I Never Thought of it That Way...Spillover Parking
- John Upchurch Speaks at Florida Negotiation & Settlement Planning Summit
- A Jazzy Mediation
- High Fives to...
- Sometimes Mediation Is Not the Answer… Yes, I Really Said That!
- UWWM Exhibitors at FDLA Annual Meeting
- Foreclosures and code enforcement – the secret local government bailout plan
- Ms. Mediator, Your Lips Are Moving But All I Hear is “Blah, Blah, Blah..."
- When neighbors don’t get along…
- Opportunity Lost...
- Top 10 Ways to Botch Up a Mediation
- To Effectively Negotiate, Resist Your Negative Urges
- High Fives to...
- LITIGATION: The Family “Doomsday Machine”
- Pre-Suit Mediation: A Good Start at Governmental Cost Control
- Will Freshening Up Main Street Help Clean Up Wall Street?
- UWWM Sponsors FLABOTA Convention
- The Middle Passage
- Narcissistic Leaders
- Mediation is in the air – mediation tips everywhere!!
- Update on Confederate Flag Controversy –Will the show (I mean “parade”) go on?
- Pre-Suit Mediation: Only a Mid-West Trend?
- Words of Wisdom
- Mediation Preparation– Don’t Forget Your Decision Tree
- Managing Oneself
- PowerPoint Presentations at Mediation: Overkill or Going in for the Kill?
- Amendment 4 – Smart Growth?
- More foreclosure fallout...
- Web 2.0: A brief digression from mediation
- UWWM 2009 Super Lawyers
- Mediators declared “Florida Super Lawyers”
- Privacy Matters
- Mediating Government Disputes – Confederate Flag Controversy
- FJA 2009 Annual Convention
- The Family Road Trip - AKA: “Where Is A Mediator When You Need One?”
- Michelle Jernigan Invited to Speak to Central Florida Law Firms
- Mediation: My recipe for success
- High Fives to...
- John Briggs: Featured Speaker at MC Consultants Conference
- Response to Health Care Challenges: National Health Care & Life Sciences Panel of Neutrals Named
- I Never Thought of it That Way...Spillover Parking
- UWWM Exhibitors at FLCC Conference
- Mediation “Must-Reads”
- Michelle Jernigan: Speaker at Conference for Florida Business Families
- Michelle Jernigan: Speaker at Conference for Florida Business Families
- Honorable Ben Overton Recognized as UF Distinguished Alumni
- UWWM to Sponsor CBA Event
- So true in mediation and in life...
- You Go Girl!
- The 7 Benefits of Mediation – I Could Not have Said It Better Myself!
- Repeat Player Syndrome: What Is A Mediator To Do?
- Mediators to Speak at Local Government Law Conference
- UWWM Mediators Address Attendees of Government Law Conference
- Leading Attorneys Discuss Mediator Effectiveness
- To open or not to open?
- Will the real lender please stand up?
- Foreclosures and code enforcement – the secret local government bailout plan
- UWWM to Sponsor OCBA Gala
- Homo Mobilis: How Wireless Communication Connects and Changes Us
- Opportunity Lost...
- Top 10 Ways to Botch Up a Mediation
- LITIGATION: The Family “Doomsday Machine”
- Lessons From Geese - By Milton Olson
- Negotiating on Venus and Mars
- Hanging On, Letting Go, or "Letting Grow"
- OCBA Gala
- Richard Lord Selected to Speak at the National Association of Subrogation Professionals Seminar
- News from the Upchurch Watson White and Max Governmental Affairs Practice Group
- The Land Use And Environmental Dispute Resolution Act: A Diamond In The Rough?
- Pre-Suit Mediation: A Good Start at Governmental Cost Control
- Will Freshening Up Main Street Help Clean Up Wall Street?
- End in Sight?
- Words of Wisdom
- 32nd Annual Local Government Law in Florida
- UWWM Welcomes Gerald Le Van
- Mediation Firm Welcomes Gerald Le Van
- Rod Max to speak at FJA Workhorse Seminar
- Mediation: A Love/Hate Thing?
- New Arbitration Protocol
- New Arbitration Protocol
- Sandra C. Upchurch Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Panel
- FJA Workhorse Seminar
- Mediation Firm Principal To Speak at ABA MidWinter Meeting
- FL Bar 2009 Midyear Meeting
- ALAJ 2009 Mid-Winter Conference
- Firm Announces Formation of Government Affairs Practice Group
- Characteristics of Top Mediators
- Masters of Justice: Elevating Your Practice to Success
- Philip Elliott Recognized at VCBA Traditions Night
- Rod Max Mediates HealthSouth Recovery of $133 Million
- Michelle Jernigan: Conflict Resolution in the Family Business
- Michael S. Orfinger: Guest on WNDB Radio
- E-News from The Center for Governmental Responsibility
- A Call To Pre-suit Mediation In These “Worst of Times”
- New Panel Member: Roger J. Larue, Jr.
- Michelle Jernigan Selected for FEC Board of Advisors
- Justice Overton Invited to Speak on FAF Panel
- CFAWL 2008 New Member Reception
- Mediators on Panel at ACCTM Conference
- Shareholder's Published in ACCTM Journal
- Richard B. Lord Completes Harvard Advanced Negotiation Program
- UWWM 2008 FL Super Lawyers
- Upchurch Addresses International Academy of Mediators
- Mediation Firm Shareholder to Address Family Business Alliance
- John Upchurch Teaches Polish Law Students
- UWWM Web Site Wins ADDY Award
- FL Bar 2008 Annual Convention
- ADLA 2008 Annual Meeting
- 12th Annual Florida Liability Claims Conference
- FJA '08 Annual Convention
- ABA Dispute Resolution Conference
- FJA '08 Workhorse Seminar
- UWWM Podcast Series
- 2008 CFAWL Judicial Reception
- Terry White Addresses Rail Labor and FL Trial Attorneys
- 2008 FL Bar Midyear Meeting
- UWWM Case Note: SCO decides USFI v JSUB
- Panel Members Attend Special Masters Conference
- Firm to Sponsor ABA Conference
- UWWM Nominated for CPR Award for Excellence in ADR
- 2008 FL Bar Midyear Meeting
- PBC Bar 2008 Holiday Party
- FJA 2007 Fall Convention
- Firm Welcomes New Mediation Panel Member, Walter K. "Wally" McDonough
- Family Business Mediation Practice
- The National Arbitration Forum Adds Richard B. Lord
- Dye Ann Graham, Former General Counsel for Tupperware Corporation, Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group
- Rod Max Guides Parties to Class Action Settlement Safeguarding Motor Vehicle Records Personal Information
- Howard Marsee Sought for Statewide Speaking Engagements
- 2007 FJA Annual Convention
- 2007 Florida Bar Annual Convention
- Stephen G. Fisher Presents to The Hartford Insurance Company
- Gary F. Canner Joins Upchurch Watson White & Max
- Rod Max: Preferred Mediator
- University of Florida Symposium: Mediation in Florida and Beyond
- ADLA 2007 Annual Meeting
- FALSS Annual Meeting
- Insurance Bad Faith Seminar
- Rodney A. Max: Preferred Speaker
- Philip Elliott, Jr. Receives The Florida Bar President's Pro Bono Award
- Larry Watson: Nationwide Speaker
- 11th Annual Claims Conference
- Brad Wash Joins UWWM Panel
- 2007 AFTL Workhorse Seminar
- CFAWL Annual Reception
- Facilitating the Facilitators
- OCALSS Sponsorship
- Florida Supreme Court Affirms Arbitrator's Authority to Decide Timeliness Defenses
- UWWM Principals Invited to Speak at AFTL Seminar
- Howard Marsee Joins National Special Master Group
- 2006 Mediation Techniques and Strategies
- 2006 AFTL Fall Convention
- Mediation Week
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Blog
- Rodney A. Max: "Mediation Pioneer"
- Selected Legal Elite Second Year In A Row
- Chief Execs Eye Mediation
- Max Tapped To Address International Conference
- Mac Voght Selected By Kenneth Feinberg for Mississippi Katrina Program
- Veteran Group Become Shareholders In Mediation Firm
- G.B. McVay Mac Voght Joins Mediation Firm As Mississippi Representative
- John Upchurch Joins Special Master Group
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Recognizes State's MEDIATION WEEK With Seminars / Radio Appearances
- Mediation Group Panelist Addresses ACR Seminar
- Firm Dramatically Expands South Florida Presence
- Mediation Firm Principal, Lawrence M. Watson, Jr. Receives 2005 Lifetime Achievement Award.
- John Upchurch Addresses Graduates at Warsaw University Polish-American Commencement Ceremonies
- Lawrence M. Watson, Jr. Speaks at ICLE Seminar for Members of the Georgia State Bar
- Mediation Firm Principal Speaks at Insurance Workshop
- Mediation Panelist Speaks to Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce
- Mediation Firm Teaches Negotiation Advocacy, Ethics to Corporate Counsel.
- Mediation Panel Gains Law School Dean JON MILLS and Supreme Court Certified Mediator BETH MILLS.
- Justice Major B. Harding Joins Mediation Panel
- Upchurch Watson White & Max Adds Shareholder: Trial Attorney Michael S. Orfinger Joins Firm - Feb. 5, 2004
- UFLaw Article Featuring John Upchurch
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