Mediation Counsel Robert A. Cole
Robert A. Cole, mediation counsel for Upchurch Watson White & Max, spoke on professionalism and civility for the 19th Circuit Bench Bar Conference in Port St. Lucie on Friday, April 12, 2013. Mr. Cole was the first speaker of the day, giving a talk subtitled "The New Oath and You."
In expressing her thanks to Mr. Cole, conference organizer Mary Jean Navaretta said his speech "set the theme for the day and subsequent speakers." All of the bar associations of the 19th Judicial Circuit and Florida Rural Legal Services presented the conference at the Port St. Lucie Civic Center. Mr. Cole, who is based in Jacksonville, Fla., and mediates throughout the state, said there were about 150 attendees, who all received a package of his materials, which are posted here:
Code of Professionalism
Principles of Civility
Oath of Admission