
Michelle Jernigan Selected for FEC Board of Advisors

Michelle Jernigan, shareholder with Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group, has been selected to serve on the Board of Advisors for Stetson University' s Family Enterprise Center (FEC).


The FEC's Board of Advisors is a select group of individuals whose experience and talents help foster a nurturing and innovative learning environment for the center. The FEC helps families navigate the challenges of operating a family business, explore the opportunities they create and manage the overlap between family and business. 


"We are very excited to have Michelle join our Board of Advisors. Her depth of knowledge and experience combined with her passion for our mission will add significant value to the Family Enterprise Center ," said Mario A. Fidanzi, director of the Family Enterprise Center .


Founded in 1998, Stetson University 's Family Enterprise Center (formerly the Family Business Center ) was the first university in the nation to offer Family Business as a major.  Family businesses represented on the FEC Board of Advisors include NASCAR, The Root Organization and Magic Chef.


In 1988, Michelle Jernigan was one of the first mediators to be certified by the Florida Supreme Court.  Since launching her mediation career in 1987, Ms. Jernigan has mediated thousands of cases throughout Florida .


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