
December 2011 Blog Archive

A Soft-Side Syllabus for Hard-Side Advisors
A Soft-Side Syllabus for Hard-Side Advisors  We jest that life insurance agents push insurance as the global panacea for whatever the client’s unmet needs may be. But that mindset is not... Read More

"The Careful Communicator" ~ A collection of grammatical misadventures!
"The Careful Communicator" ~ A collection of grammatical misadventures! THE CAREFUL COMMUNICATOR #1 This posting is the first step in a leisurely stroll through skillful English usage.  Over the years I have... Read More

“Certification of Authority:”Amendments to Rule 1.720, Fla. R. Civ. P. Redefining “Attendance” and “Authority.” Since the opinion was published there has been a lot of discussion with respect to the amendment... Read More

Florida’s Foreclosure Mediation Program – A flower or a weed? Boy has the Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program in Florida come under fire lately.  This morning I read a blog written by Roger... Read More