
The Florida Bar Disciplinary Process: Your Survival Guide

There are reasons every Florida lawyer should understand the Bar's procedures for investigating and prosecuting disciplinary complaints, says guest presenter Michelle Suskauer , a criminal defense attorney in West Palm Beach.

With the help of moderator Richard Lord , an Upchurch Watson White & Max shareholder and mediator, she will explain how this system works for a July 12 Webinar, from the initial complaint through the investigation, review, trial and, ultimately, a final discipline order by the Florida Supreme Court.

"The Florida Bar is unique in how it disciplines its members," the Florida Bar News said earlier this year in introducing a series of articles. "The process can be scary, but it's important that we understand it - first, to avoid pitfalls in our own practices, but also to appreciate the ways we are protecting the public and the lawyers who practice in Florida."

The content of this Webinar is designed for all Florida attorneys, paralegals and legal assistants.

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How to Register
The Florida Bar Disciplinary Process:
Your Survival Guide
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Noon-1 p.m. EDT

After registering at, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
CLE Credits
Attending our complimentary Webinar will entitle you to 1.0 hour General/Ethics CLE credit through The Florida Bar.
System Requirements

Mac®- and Mobile attendees: Click here for system requirements.
Our Moderator
Richard Lord, a shareholder with Upchurch Watson White & Max, is an experienced dispute resolution professional and chief moderator for UWWM's 2016 CLE Webinar series. He is co-chair of the ABA Dispute Resolution Section Mediation Committee and an American Bar Foundation Fellow and a Fellow of the American College of Civil Trial Mediators (ACCTM). He also is a member of the International Law Section of The Florida Bar.
Our Guest Presenter
Michelle Suskauer, a nationally-known criminal defense attorney and legal analyst, regularly appears on national and local television programs, like FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and NBC. Michelle was recently interviewed by the Boston Herald and NY Post on on the Palm Beach County State Attorney's Office decision to not file battery charges against Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. She serves on the Florida Bar Board of Governors and was chair of its disciplinary review board.

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