
John Upchurch Joins Special Master Group

John J. Upchurch, President of Upchurch Watson White & Max Mediation Group, has been tapped for membership in the Academy of Court Appointed Masters , the only national organization for special masters.  Comprised of some 47 members, the selective organization serves those who have been appointed by Federal and State Courts to handle complex matters such as mass torts, securities and antitrust cases.


Special Masters perform major functions in the civil justice system.  As cases have become more complex and judicial budgets tightened, appointments to serve have become more common.  For example, Kenneth Feinberg, an Academy member, was appointed to handle the Compensation Claims Commission for the relatives and survivors of the 9-11 victims, distributing the multi-billion dollar fund established by Congress for that purpose.


Mr. Upchurch will attend the organization's annual meeting and educational conference in Chicago in November.

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