
David Krathen Awarded Fort Lauderdale A.B.O.T.A. Trial Judge Of The Year 2012

DKrathen Each year, the Fort Lauderdale Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates presents a special event – “Judge’s Night” – honoring the Judge and Lawyer of the year as selected by a vote of Chapter members. At this January 18th dinner event held at the B Ocean Hotel on Fort Lauderdale Beach, David Krathen was awarded the honor  of Trial Judge of the Year for 2012, chosen from 22 nominated candidates. It is the second time Judge Krathen has received this honor from the Fort Lauderdale ABOTA chapter – his first being in 2008.  Prior to serving on the bench, he was the recipient of the Chapter’s 2002 Professionalism Award.

Criteria for the selected judge include: commitment to preserving and improving the jury trial system; is knowledgeable, prepared and rules in a timely manner; follows the rules of law and applies them evenhandedly; and demands professionalism from all lawyers.

Judge Krathen, who retired from the 17th Circuit bench in December, became the newest mediation panel member of Upchurch Watson White & Max this month.

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