
Family Business & Wealth

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Getting Ready to Mediate: A Blueprint for Success Let UWWM founding partner John Upchurch help you connect the dots for an efficient and productive mediation. It may involve building a better foundation, tearing down some walls and an overall vision for the end game. Whatever your concern, John will... Read More

Florida Mediator Discusses Family-Owned Businesses Talk to the family, review the enterprise's present and hoped-for future, consult trusted experts to make sure you aren't caught totally off-guard,... Read More

Is Baseball Arbitration a Viable Mediation Endgame? My last two blog posts have discussed “endgame” tactics to break a looming mediation impasse.  One such tactic is the “ Dutch Auction ”; another is... Read More

Traits of the Effective Mediation Advocate By and large, the attorneys with whom I am privileged to mediate are good at what they do.  They persuasively advocate for their client, they give... Read More

Early Mediation Anyone? In general, the benefits of mediating a dispute to a successful conclusion are greatest when done early.  In meaningful cases, since success is only... Read More

CHALFONTE REDUX I recently wrote about the Supreme Court of Florida’s opinion in Chalfonte Condominium Apartment Association v. QBE Insurance Corp. , holding... Read More

Positivity I was having a heart-to-heart recently with a friend and out of the blue she said, “You know what Sandy, at your very core you are a soul searcher.” ... Read More

Three Common Negotiation Myths Every attorney in a mediation setting would like to be an effective negotiator.  Unfortunately, many are not particularly skilled in the art of... Read More

Conditional Offers In this series principal Rodney A. Max discusses “breaking impasse” as it relates to closing the deal. In complex cases (including mass torts and... Read More

Court Direction In this series principal Rodney A. Max discusses “breaking impasse” as it relates to closing the deal. In complex cases (including mass torts and... Read More

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