The Florida Supreme Court has scheduled oral argument on new e-discovery court rules on March 7, 2012. Several years in the making, the rules have been “fast-tracked” and are expected to be adopted in the near future. E-discovery has arrived as a discrete category.
The Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (, a consortium of attorneys, IT and litigation staff specialists has its annual conference in Hollywood, Florida, April 2-4, 2012. They have asked me to speak on the use of neutrals in e-discovery proceedings, a potentially exciting new application of the mediation process. Follow this link to hear a preview of my remarks in the form of a podcast:
How neutrals save time and cut costs. Let me know if you wish to attend the conference. ACEDS has provided the speakers with “savings vouchers” for their clients. I feel confident you’ll benefit from the meeting.
John Upchurch
President, CEO
Upchurch Watson White & Max