
Advocates, Educators, Students and Neutrals Convene in Seattle

Richard B. Lord, a shareholder with Upchurch Watson White & Max, is a fellow of the American College of Civil Trial Mediators and co-Chair of the ABA Dispute Resolution Section’s Mediation Commitee . To schedule a mediation with Richard, please visit our online scheduling page or call his case manager, Cathy McCleary, at 800-863-1462.

Shareholder Richard Lord Florida Mediator Richard Lord

Hundreds of professionals from around the world started arriving in Seattle Wednesday (April 15, 2015) for the 17th Annual Section of Dispute Resolution Spring Conference. Today, they are networking and presenting or attending concurrent sessions ranging from resolving sports disputes and awarding fees in arbitration to dealing with emotions in mediation and managing disputes in developing economies.

The sessions will continue through Saturday. Wednesday, while some were arriving, our section held important meetings and a first ever "leadership retreat" designed to facilitate the continued engagement of our volunteers to maintain the section's position among ADR thought leaders, educators and practitioners. In addition, student teams continued their hard work Wednesday in this year's National Representation in Mediation Competition.

These schools are represented:
  • Chicago - Kent School of Law
  • Fordham University School of Law
  • Liberty University School of Law
  • Southwestern School of Law
  • University of Idaho College of Law
  • University of Oklahoma College of Law
  • Washington University School of Law
  • William & Mary School of Law
Please stay tuned to our blog for more of Richard's updates from Seattle.

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