
September 2012 Blog Archive

Merit Retention   Welcome to the first installment of “UWWM Discusses…Merit Retention.”  We want to talk with you about merit retention of Florida’s Supreme Court... Read More

CHALFONTE REDUX I recently wrote about the Supreme Court of Florida’s opinion in Chalfonte Condominium Apartment Association v. QBE Insurance Corp. , holding... Read More

Positivity I was having a heart-to-heart recently with a friend and out of the blue she said, “You know what Sandy, at your very core you are a soul searcher.” ... Read More

What’s In a Name? As many of you know, the conference rooms in our Maitland mediation center are all named after various species of birds. The name of one room quite... Read More

REVISED OATH OF ATTORNEY HAVING IMPACT In September of 2011, the Florida Supreme Court added the following language to the Oath of Attorney. "To opposing parties and their counsel, I... Read More

"Never Cut What You Can Untie" –       Joseph Joubert (1754 – 1824) In my last blog post, I wrote about “ Dutch Auctions and Texas Shoot-Outs ” as a way to resolve disputes... Read More

Pre Mediation Caucuses in Multiple Party Cases In recent weeks I have encountered huge success in designing mediations through the use of strategic pre-mediation communications.  In particular, I... Read More